Bullying Lesson - PRINT Bullying Scenarios

  1. Have students complete the introductory SURVEY.
  2. Class discussion: “What does bullying look like at LHS?”
  3. Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
  4. How do other students typically react/respond when they see it happening?
  5. Break students up into groups of 4-5.
  6. Have each group come up with their own definition of “bullying” - Then share out w/ rest of class
  7. Inform students of how the LPS District defines “bullying” using the PPT.
  8. Inform students of the 3 roles in a bullying situation and discuss the importance of bystanders using the PPT
  9. Hand out a scenario to each group and have them determine whether or not it would be considered bullying and how bystanders could respond positively to the situation.

                November 14

                Career Education Opportunities
                (counselors present in large groups)

                Students with last names that start with: A-K report to Little Theater L-Z report to Field House

                Wednesday, November 7

                TODAY'S OBJECTIVES

                Check In & Study Time
                Please do a visual check of students' LH schedule. If they are not performing well in a class and are not assigned, help them self assign a tutoring session.

                Attitude of Gratitude
                Please check your mailboxes for Attitude of Gratitude forms. Students may voluntarily fill these out for teachers, counselors, custodians, or any other LHS staff. Return completed forms to Havermann's mailbox by the end of the week.