October 24

Clarity BrightBytes Survey -
Wednesday, Oct. 24th - Advisory

On Wednesday, October 24th, we need to complete the Clarity BrightBytes Survey during Advisory.  As you may recall, this survey generates data regarding the usage of instructional technology in our building and across our district.

The student link is listed here to write on your board for students to access: www.BByt.es/VL9DU  Students can also find this link in their email around 1pm on Wednesday. Please don't share this link until you are ready to start the survey.

The teacher/administrator survey link is provided here: www.BByt.es/VL9DT  Each teacher and administrator needs to complete this survey. Please reflect on practices you use or may have used this year and celebrate the great work you do each day while taking this survey.

Please encourage students to read the survey closely and to take their time, this survey will help them with the technology we provide in our classes. The survey will take some students a few minutes and could take others 15-20 minutes.  Classes need to stay quiet until each person has finished the survey.

Next Week - Back to Back Advisory

Tuesday, October 30th
(see modified schedule in your email)
Advisors, please announce TODAY there will be a special Advisory next week during first hour Tuesday morning. 
All students should report to their advisory first thing Tuesday morning. Teachers will need to meet in their assigned advisory room. Advisory on the Learning Stairs will meet in the Lower Jay and non-advisory students will report to room 301. 

Wednesday, October 31st = Naviance Lesson